
a mark, symbol, label, sign; standard


標 biāo
  • mark
  • sign
  • label
  • to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc
  • to bear (a brand name, registration number etc)
  • prize
  • award
  • bid
  • target
  • quota
  • (old) the topmost branches of a tree
  • visible symptom
  • classifier for military units


旋轉指 xuán zhuǎn zhǐ biāo winding number
qí biāo flag
格林威治準時間 gé lín wēi zhì biāo zhǔn shí jiān Greenwich Mean Time; GMT
格林尼治準時間 gé lín ní zhì biāo zhǔn shí jiān Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
suō biāo variant of 梭鏢|梭镖[suo1 biao1]
業界準 yè jiè biāo zhǔn industry standard
極座 jí zuò biāo polar coordinates (math.)
極座系 jí zuò biāo xì system of polar coordinates
價 biāo jià to mark the price; marked price
兵 biāo bīng parade guards (usually spaced out along parade routes); example; model; pacesetter
售 biāo shòu to sell by tender
圖 biāo tú mark on map or chart
地 biāo dì plot of land
定 biāo dìng to stake out (the boundaries of a property etc); to demarcate; (engineering etc) to calibrate
尺 biāo chǐ surveyor's rod; staff; staff gauge; rear sight
幟 biāo zhì banner; standard; variant of 標誌|标志[biao1 zhi4]
底 biāo dǐ base number (of a tender); starting price (for auction)
度 biāo dù scale
得 biāo dé to win (sth) in a bid
新取異 biāo xīn qǔ yì to start on sth new and different (idiom); to display originality
新立異 biāo xīn lì yì to make a show of being original or unconventional (idiom)
新競異 biāo xīn jìng yì to start on sth new and different (idiom); to display originality
新領異 biāo xīn lǐng yì to bring in the new (idiom); new directions, different creation
明 biāo míng to mark; to indicate
普 biāo pǔ Standard and Poor (share index); abbr. for 標準普爾|标准普尔[Biao1 zhun3 Pu3 er3]