
happy, glad; enjoyable; music


樂 lè
  • surname Le
  • happy
  • cheerful
  • to laugh
樂 yuè
  • surname Yue
  • music


自由爵士 zì yóu jué shì yuè free jazz (music genre)
舞台音 wǔ tái yīn yuè musical theater
pán lè to play; to amuse oneself
bā lè guava (loanword from Taiwanese)
歌 bā lè gē (Tw) ballad (loanword); mainstream song
票 bā lè piào forged money; fictitious bills; see also 芭樂|芭乐[ba1 le4]
苦中作 kǔ zhōng zuò lè to find joy in sorrows (idiom); to enjoy sth in spite of one's suffering
華納音集團 huà nà yīn yuè jí tuán Warner Music Group
萬家 wàn jiā lè Macro (brand)
西方極世界 xī fāng jí lè shì jiè Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss or Sukhavati (Sanskrit)
誰人隊 shéi rén yuè duì The Who (1960s UK rock band)
際 zhào lè jì Zhao Leji (1957-), member of the Politburo Standing Committee and Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
隊 jūn yuè duì brass band
輕音 qīng yīn yuè light music
農家 nóng jiā lè rural tourism; agritourism
迪士尼園 dí shì ní lè yuán Disneyland
迪斯尼園 dí sī ní lè yuán Disneyland; also written 迪士尼樂園|迪士尼乐园[Di2 shi4 ni2 Le4 yuan2]
dòu lè to amuse oneself; to clown around; to provoke laughter
yì lè pleasure-seeking
yóu lè to amuse oneself; recreation
園 yóu lè yuán theme park
場 yóu lè chǎng playground
鄉村音 xiāng cūn yīn yuè country music (country & western music genre)
銅管器 tóng guǎn yuè qì brass instruments
鍵盤器 jiàn pán yuè qì keyboard instrument (piano, organ etc)