
chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname



栗 lì
  • afraid
  • trembling
  • surname Li
  • chestnut


栗 stroke order diagram
栗 stroke order animation


子 lì zi chestnut
zhàn lì variant of 戰慄|战栗[zhan4 li4]
色 lì sè maroon (color)
不寒而 bù hán ér lì shiver all over though not cold; tremble with fear; shudder
cù lì gooseberry
bǎn lì Chinese chestnut
shàng lì Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi
县 shàng lì xiàn Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi
縣 shàng lì xiàn Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi
jì lì to tremble with fear
然 lì rán (literary) shivering; shuddering
zhàn lì to tremble; shudder
战战 zhàn zhàn lì lì to tremble with fear
啄木鸟 lì zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) rufous woodpecker (Celeus brachyurus)
啄木鳥 lì zhuó mù niǎo (bird species of China) rufous woodpecker (Celeus brachyurus)
喉蜂虎 lì hóu fēng hǔ (bird species of China) blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus)
喉䴗鹛 lì hóu jú méi (bird species of China) black-eared shrike-babbler (Pteruthius melanotis)
喉鶪鶥 lì hóu jú méi (bird species of China) black-eared shrike-babbler (Pteruthius melanotis)
斑杜鹃 lì bān dù juān (bird species of China) banded bay cuckoo (Cacomantis sonneratii)
斑杜鵑 lì bān dù juān (bird species of China) banded bay cuckoo (Cacomantis sonneratii)
斑腹鹀 lì bān fù wú (bird species of China) Jankowski's bunting (Emberiza jankowskii)
斑腹鵐 lì bān fù wú (bird species of China) Jankowski's bunting (Emberiza jankowskii)
树鸭 lì shù yā (bird species of China) lesser whistling duck (Dendrocygna javanica)
樹鴨 lì shù yā (bird species of China) lesser whistling duck (Dendrocygna javanica)
耳短脚鹎 lì ěr duǎn jiǎo bēi (bird species of China) brown-eared bulbul (Hypsipetes amaurotis)
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