shiver, shudder, tremble; tremble


  • shiver, shudder, tremble
  • tremble
  • afraid
  • trembling
  • surname Li
  • chestnut


不寒而 bù hán ér lì shiver all over though not cold; tremble with fear; shudder
jì lì to tremble with fear
然 lì rán (literary) shivering; shuddering
zhàn lì to tremble; shudder
戰戰 zhàn zhàn lì lì to tremble with fear
gǔ lì to shake like an aspen; to shiver with fear (idiom)
膚粟 gǔ lì fū sù with shuddering thighs and skin like gooseflesh (idiom)
bì lì ancient bamboo reed instrument; Chinese shawm (probably related to central Asian zurna)
zhèn lì trembling; to shiver with fear
zhàn lì variant of 戰慄|战栗[zhan4 li4]
jīng lì horror (genre); to tremble in fear
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