
willow tree; pleasure



  • willow tree
  • pleasure
  • surname Liu
  • willow
  • old variant of 柳[liu3]


柳 stroke order diagram
柳 stroke order animation


眉 liǔ méi long, shapely eyebrows
绿花红 liǔ lǜ huā hóng green willow and red flowers; all the colors of spring
綠花紅 liǔ lǜ huā hóng green willow and red flowers; all the colors of spring
叶刀 liǔ yè dāo lancet (surgeon's knife)
葉刀 liǔ yè dāo lancet (surgeon's knife)
叶眉 liǔ yè méi see 柳眉[liu3 mei2]
葉眉 liǔ yè méi see 柳眉[liu3 mei2]
陌花衢 liǔ mò huā qú brothel
雷鸟 liǔ léi niǎo (bird species of China) willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)
雷鳥 liǔ léi niǎo (bird species of China) willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)
青 liǔ qīng Liu Qing (1916-1978), writer
体 liǔ tǐ calligraphic style of Liu Gongquan
體 liǔ tǐ calligraphic style of Liu Gongquan
莺 liǔ yīng willow warbler; leaf warbler
鶯 liǔ yīng willow warbler; leaf warbler
棕眉莺 zōng méi liǔ yīng (bird species of China) yellow-streaked warbler (Phylloscopus armandii)
棕眉鶯 zōng méi liǔ yīng (bird species of China) yellow-streaked warbler (Phylloscopus armandii)
棕腹莺 zōng fù liǔ yīng (bird species of China) buff-throated warbler (Phylloscopus subaffinis)
棕腹鶯 zōng fù liǔ yīng (bird species of China) buff-throated warbler (Phylloscopus subaffinis)
yáng liǔ willow tree; poplar and willow; name of traditional tune
极北莺 jí běi liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Arctic warbler (Phylloscopus borealis)
極北鶯 jí běi liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Arctic warbler (Phylloscopus borealis)
橙斑翅莺 chéng bān chì liǔ yīng (bird species of China) buff-barred warbler (Phylloscopus pulcher)
橙斑翅鶯 chéng bān chì liǔ yīng (bird species of China) buff-barred warbler (Phylloscopus pulcher)
莺 ōu liǔ yīng (bird species of China) willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)