
power, right, authority

HSK 5 #297


  • power, right, authority
  • surname Quan
  • authority
  • power
  • right
  • (literary) to weigh
  • expedient
  • temporary


权 stroke order diagram
权 stroke order animation


mín quán Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan; civil liberties
chǎn quán property right
继承 jì chéng quán right of inheritance
投票 tóu piào quán suffrage; right to vote
gǔ quán equity shares; stock right
公民 gōng mín quán civil rights; citizenship rights
yuè quán to go beyond one's authority; arrogation
主动 zhǔ dòng quán initiative (as in "seize the initiative"); advantageous position that allows one to call the shots
隐私 yǐn sī quán privacy right
选举 xuǎn jǔ quán suffrage
qīn quán to infringe the rights of; to violate; infringement
duó quán to seize power
宜之计 quán yí zhī jì plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure; makeshift stratagem; interim step
杖 quán zhàng scepter
统治 tǒng zhì quán sovereignty; dominion; dominance
qiáng quán power; might
dāng quán to hold power
wáng quán royalty; royal power
者 dāng quán zhě ruler; those in power; the authorities
专利 zhuān lì quán patent right
贵 quán guì influential officials; bigwigs
柄 quán bǐng authority
使用 shǐ yòng quán usage rights
自主 zì zhǔ quán ability to make one's own decisions
领导 lǐng dǎo quán leadership authority