HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1164th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.1) |
INDEX # | 193 |
final, last, end; insignificant
末 mò |

周末 zhōu mò | weekend |
粉末 fěn mò | fine powder; dust |
末日 mò rì | Judgment Day (in Christian eschatology); last day; end; final days; doomsday |
芥末 jiè mo | mustard; wasabi |
期末 qī mò | end of term |
末端 mò duān | tip; extremity |
末尾 mò wěi | end; tip; extremity |
末期 mò qī | end (of a period); last part; final phase |
末路 mò lù | end of the road; final road; fig. dead end; impasse |
末梢 mò shāo | tip; end; last few days |
末世 mò shì | last phase (of an age) |
始末 shǐ mò | whole story; the ins and outs |
年末 nián mò | end of the year |
末班车 mò bān chē | last bus or train; last chance |
细枝末节 xì zhī mò jié | minor details; trifles |
月末 yuè mò | end of month; late in the month |
肉末 ròu mò | ground meat |
末代 mò dài | final generation |
本末倒置 běn mò dào zhì | lit. to invert root and branch (idiom); fig. confusing cause and effect; to stress the incidental over the fundamental; to put the cart before the horse |
世纪末 shì jì mò | end of the century |
末了 mò liǎo | in the end |
碎末 suì mò | flecks; particles; bits; fine powder |
末节 mò jié | inessentials; minor detail |
锯末 jù mò | sawdust |
强弩之末 qiáng nǔ zhī mò | lit. an arrow at the end of its flight (idiom); fig. spent force |