
to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization


會 huì
  • can
  • to be possible
  • to be able to
  • will
  • to be likely to
  • to be sure to
  • to assemble
  • to meet
  • to gather
  • to see
  • union
  • group
  • association
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
  • a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
會 kuài
  • to balance an account
  • accountancy
  • accounting


英國文化協 yīng guó wén huà xié huì British Council
英國皇家學 yīng guó huáng jiā xué huì Royal Society
茫崖行政委員 máng yá xíng zhèng wěi yuán huì Mang'ai county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai
chá huì tea party
茶話 chá huà huì tea party
華興 huá xīng huì anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in Changsha by 黃興|黄兴[Huang2 Xing1] in 1904, a precursor of Sun Yat-sen's Alliance for Democracy 同盟會|同盟会[Tong2 meng2 hui4] and of the Guomindang
萬國博覽 wàn guó bó lǎn huì universal exposition; world expo
董事 dǒng shì huì board of directors
lì huì to be present at a meeting
蘇維埃社主義共和國聯盟 sū wéi āi shè huì zhǔ yì gòng hé guó lián méng Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1922-1991; abbr. to 蘇聯|苏联[Su1 lian2] Soviet Union
róng huì to blend; to integrate; to amalgamate; to fuse
貫通 róng huì guàn tōng to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas
蟠桃勝 pán táo shèng huì a victory banquet to taste the peaches of immortality of Goddess Xi Wangmu 西王母
行政議 xíng zhèng huì yì Executive Council (Hong Kong)
衛理公 wèi lǐ gōng huì Methodists
見面 jiàn miàn huì meet and greet
視頻議 shì pín huì yì videoconferencing; videoconference
覷機 qù jī huì to watch for an opportunity
討論 tǎo lùn huì symposium; discussion forum
記者招待 jì zhě zhāo dài huì press conference
記者 jì zhě huì press conference
評議 píng yì huì council
wù huì to misunderstand; to mistake; misunderstanding; CL:個|个[ge4]
說明 shuō míng huì information meeting
講習 jiǎng xí huì discussion forum; seminar; assembly