
to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization


會 huì
  • can
  • to be possible
  • to be able to
  • will
  • to be likely to
  • to be sure to
  • to assemble
  • to meet
  • to gather
  • to see
  • union
  • group
  • association
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
  • a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
會 kuài
  • to balance an account
  • accountancy
  • accounting


聯合國大 lián hé guó dà huì United Nations General Assembly
聯合國安全理事 lián hé guó ān quán lǐ shì huì United Nations Security Council
聯合 lián hé huì federation
聯席議 lián xí huì yì joint conference
聯歡 lián huān huì social gathering; party
聯誼 lián yì huì association; club; society; party; get-together
聯邦通信委員 lián bāng tōng xìn wěi yuán huì Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
職業高爾夫球協 zhí yè gāo ěr fū qiú xié huì Professional Golfer's Association (PGA)
聽審 tīng shěn huì hearing (law)
tīng huì to attend a meeting (and hear what is discussed)
聽證 tīng zhèng huì (legislative) hearing
股東大 gǔ dōng dà huì general shareholders' meeting
股東特別大 gǔ dōng tè bié dà huì special shareholders' meeting
能說道 néng shuō huì dào can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab
臨時澳門市政執行委員 lín shí ào mén shì zhèng zhí xíng wěi yuán huì Provisional Municipal Council of Macau; Câmara Municipal de Macau Provisória
自然科學基金 zì rán kē xué jī jīn huì natural science fund
自由軟件基金 zì yóu ruǎn jiàn jī jīn huì Free Software Foundation
yù huì to participate in a meeting
興中 xīng zhōng huì Revive China Society, founded by Dr Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山 in 1894 in Honolulu
xìng huì sudden inspiration; flash of insight; brainwave
wǔ huì dance; ball; party; CL:場|场[chang3]
舞 wǔ huì wǔ party dancing
船到橋門自直 chuán dào qiáo mén zì huì zhí lit. when the ship arrives at the bridge we can deal with the problem; no point in worrying about sth until it actually happens (idiom)
huā huì flower fair or festival
英國工程技術學 yīng guó gōng chéng jì shù xué huì The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)