
time, season; era, age, period


  • time, season
  • era, age, period
  • old variant of 時|时[shi2]
  • surname Shi
  • o'clock
  • time
  • when
  • hour
  • season
  • period


時 stroke order diagram


間 duǎn shí jiān short term; short time
石器代 shí qì shí dài Stone Age
yí shí for a while
稍早 shāo zǎo shí a little earlier
穿越空 chuān yuè shí kōng to travel through time
lì shí right away; quickly; immediately
第一間 dì yī shí jiān in the first moments (of sth happening); immediately (after an event); first thing
紅極一 hóng jí yī shí tremendously popular for a while
niǔ shí New York Times, abbr. for 紐約時報|纽约时报[Niu3 Yue1 Shi2 bao4]
紐約報 niǔ yuē shí bào New York Times (newspaper)
攝影 suō shí shè yǐng time-lapse photography
美東間 měi dōng shí jiān USA Eastern Standard Time
hào shí time-consuming; to take a period of (x amount of time)
耗力 hào shí hào lì requiring much time and effort
聰明一世,懵懂一 cōng ming yī shì , měng dǒng yī shí see 聰明一世,糊塗一時|聪明一世,糊涂一时[cong1 ming5 yi1 shi4 , hu2 tu5 yi1 shi2]
聰明一世,糊塗一 cōng ming yī shì , hú tu yī shí even the wisest can have a momentary lapse in judgment (idiom); every man has a fool in his sleeve
bèi shí outdated; out of luck
lín shí as the time draws near; at the last moment; temporary; interim; ad hoc
保姆 lín shí bǎo mǔ temporary caregiver; babysitter
分居 lín shí fēn jū trial separation
工 lín shí gōng day laborer; temporary work
抱佛腳 lín shí bào fó jiǎo lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; making a hasty last-minute effort
政府 lín shí zhèng fǔ provisional government
演員 lín shí yǎn yuán an extra (in a movie)
澳門市政執行委員會 lín shí ào mén shì zhèng zhí xíng wěi yuán huì Provisional Municipal Council of Macau; Câmara Municipal de Macau Provisória