
spring; wanton

HSK 3 #921


春 chūn
  • old variant of 春[chun1]
  • surname Chun
  • spring (season)
  • gay
  • joyful
  • youthful
  • love
  • lust
  • life


春 stroke order diagram
春 stroke order animation


分 chūn fēn Chunfen or Spring Equinox, 4th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st March-4th April
情 chūn qíng amorous feelings
雨 chūn yǔ spring rain; gift from above
fā chūn in heat
面 yáng chūn miàn plain noodles in broth
sī chūn same as 懷春|怀春[huai2 chun1]
意 chūn yì beginning of spring; thoughts of love
白雪 yáng chūn bái xuě melodies of the elite in the state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chu3 guo2]; highbrow art and literature
xiǎo chūn 10th month of the lunar calendar; Indian summer; crops sown in late autumn
播 chūn bō spring sowing
李宇 lǐ yǔ chūn Li Yuchun aka Chris Lee (1984-), Chinese pop singer
mài chūn to engage in prostitution
花 yíng chūn huā winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)
期 sī chūn qī age when girls start to develop feelings for the opposite sex; puberty
zǎo chūn early spring
光明媚 chūn guāng míng mèi lovely spring sunshine
茶 chūn chá tea leaves gathered at springtime or the tea made from these leaves
运 chūn yùn (increased) passenger transportation around Chinese New Year
满园色 mǎn yuán chūn sè everything in the garden is lovely
yáng chūn Yangchun county level city in Yangjiang 陽江|阳江[Yang2 jiang1], Guangdong
雨后笋 yǔ hòu chūn sǔn lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth; many new things emerge in rapid succession
一年之计在于 yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom); early planning is the key to success
一年之計在於 yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom); early planning is the key to success
sān chūn the three spring months
人生一世,草木一 rén shēng yī shì , cǎo mù yī chūn Man has but one life, grass but one spring (idiom). fig. the brevity of human existence