
bright, light, brilliant; clear

HSK 1 #121


明 míng
  • Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
  • surname Ming
  • Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  • bright
  • opposite: dark 暗[an4]
  • (of meaning) clear
  • to understand
  • next
  • public or open
  • wise
  • generic term for a sacrifice to the gods


明 stroke order diagram
明 stroke order animation


時分 lí míng shí fēn daybreak; at the crack of dawn
黑泽 hēi zé míng Kurosawa Akira (1910-1998) Japanese movie director
黑澤 hēi zé míng Kurosawa Akira (1910-1998) Japanese movie director
diǎn míng to point out
xià míng a personal name; refers to the political science professor Xia Ming from the City University of New York
dà míng Daming (a place name)
中华文 zhōng huá wén míng Chinese civilization; refers to the rich heritage and cultural development of China spanning over several millennia
xiǎo míng a common name in China, in this context referring to a person named Xiao Ming
上河图 qīng míng shàng hé tú Qingming Shanghe Tu; a famous painting that depicts the natural scenery of the capital city of Dongjing in the Northern Song Dynasty and the prosperous life of contemporary people, known as one of the 'Ten Famous Paintings of China'
公罪 míng gōng zuì public sins/crimes; offenses committed against the public or state
举例说 jǔ lì shuō míng to give examples to explain; to illustrate with examples
但小 dàn xiǎo míng but 小明 (a person's name, indicates a contrast or continuation with the preceding context)
君 míng jūn enlightened ruler; wise and benevolent monarch
黄晓 huáng xiǎo míng Huang Xiaoming (an actor's name)
lǐ míng a personal name; in this context, it refers to the name 'Li Ming' as mentioned in the sentence
行 guāng míng xíng Bright Journey; Bright Tour