HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 25th character |
RADICAL | ⽇ (72.3) |
INDEX # | 717 |
time, season; era, age, period
- time, season
- era, age, period
- old variant of 時|时[shi2]
- surname Shi
- o'clock
- time
- when
- hour
- season
- period

儿时 ér shí | childhood |
时段 shí duàn | time interval; work shift; time slot; the twelve two-hour divisions of the day |
时钟 shí zhōng | clock |
时日 shí rì | time; auspicious time; time and date; long period of time; this day |
实时 shí shí | (in) real time; instantaneous |
随时随地 suí shí suí dì | anytime and anywhere |
不合时宜 bù hé shí yí | untimely; premature; inopportune; ill-timed; out of fashion; behind the times |
临时工 lín shí gōng | day laborer; temporary work |
计时器 jì shí qì | timer; chronograph; timepiece; clock; timekeeping device (sundial, water clock) |
时时刻刻 shí shí kè kè | at all times |
为时已晚 wéi shí yǐ wǎn | already too late |
届时 jiè shí | when the time comes; at the scheduled time |
保时捷 bǎo shí jié | Porsche (car company) |
战时 zhàn shí | wartime |
定时 dìng shí | to fix a time; fixed time; timed (of explosive etc) |
定时炸弹 dìng shí zhà dàn | time bomb |
时区 shí qū | time zone |
为时过早 wéi shí guò zǎo | premature; too soon |
几时 jǐ shí | what time?; when? |
时限 shí xiàn | time limit |
到时 dào shí | at that (future) time |
时节 shí jié | season; time |
时下 shí xià | at present; right now |
时针 shí zhēn | hand of a clock; hour hand |
适时 shì shí | timely; apt to the occasion; in due course |