in, at, on; interjection alas!


於 yū
  • surname Yu
  • Taiwan pr. [Yu2]
於 wū
  • (literary) Oh!
  • Ah!
於 yú
  • surname Yu
  • to go
  • to take
  • sentence-final interrogative particle
  • variant of 於|于[yu2]
  • in
  • at
  • to
  • from
  • by
  • than
  • out of


於 stroke order diagram
於 stroke order animation


一年之計在春 yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom); early planning is the key to success
一日之計在晨 yī rì zhī jì zài yú chén make your day's plan early in the morning (idiom); early morning is the golden time of the day
不亞 bù yà yú no less than; not inferior to
不甘 bù gān yú unwilling to accept; not content with (a subservient role, a mediocre result etc)
不絕耳 bù jué yú ěr (of sound) to never stop; to fall incessantly on the ear; to linger on
不絕途 bù jué yú tú to come and go in an incessant stream
不至 bù zhì yú unlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as
了然胸 liǎo rán yú xiōng to be well aware of sth; to understand clearly
事實勝雄辯 shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn Facts speak louder than words. (idiom)
人浮事 rén fú yú shì more hands than needed (idiom); too many cooks spoil the broth
jiè yú between; intermediate; to lie between
兩難 jiè yú liǎng nán to be on the horns of a dilemma (idiom)
以利 yǐ lì yú for the sake of; in order to
以至 yǐ zhì yú down to; up to; to the extent that...
以致 yǐ zhì yú so that; to the point that
胡底 yī yú hú dǐ where will it stop?
wèi yú to be located at; to be situated at; to lie
何濟事 hé jì yú shì of what use is it; (idiom)
來源 lái yuán yú to originate in
供大求 gōng dà yú qiú supply exceeds demand
供過求 gōng guò yú qiú supply exceeds demand
便 biàn yú easy to; convenient for
傾向 qīng xiàng yú to incline to; to prefer; to be prone to
yōu yú to surpass
兄弟鬩墻,外禦其侮 xiōng dì xì yú qiáng , wài yù qí wǔ internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside (idiom)
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