
put, place; display; swing, sway


擺 bǎi
  • to arrange
  • to exhibit
  • to move to and fro
  • a pendulum


闊 bǎi kuò to parade one's wealth; to be ostentatious and extravagant
龍門陣 bǎi lóng mén zhèn chat; gossip; spin a yarn
著 míng bǎi zhe evident; clear; undoubted
正經八 zhèng jīng bā bǎi variant of 正經八百|正经八百[zheng4 jing1 ba1 bai3]
pū bǎi to display (goods); to dispose of
zhōng bǎi pendulum
shuāng bǎi double pendulum (math.)
xiǎn bai (coll.) to show off