
put, place; display; swing, sway


擺 bǎi
  • to arrange
  • to exhibit
  • to move to and fro
  • a pendulum


攤子 bǎi tān zi to set up a stall; to maintain a large staff and organization
放 bǎi fàng to set up; to arrange; to lay out
明 bǎi míng to show clearly
晃 bǎi huàng to swing; to sway
架子 bǎi jià zi to put on airs; to assume great airs
樣子 bǎi yàng zi to do sth for show; to keep up appearances
渡 bǎi dù ferry
渡車 bǎi dù chē shuttle bus; feeder bus
滿 bǎi mǎn to spread over an area
烏龍 bǎi wū lóng to mess something up; to screw up
盤 bǎi pán to arrange food on a plate; to plate up; food presentation; (watchmaking) balance wheel
線 bǎi xiàn cycloid
脫 bǎi tuō to break away from; to cast off (old ideas etc); to get rid of; to break away (from); to break out (of); to free oneself from; to extricate oneself
脫危機 bǎi tuō wēi jī to break out of a crisis
花架子 bǎi huā jià zi lit. to arrange a shelf of flowers; superficial display (idiom)
蕩 bǎi dàng to swing; to sway
設 bǎi shè to arrange; to set out; to decorate; to display; decorative items
設兒 bǎi she r decorative items; ornaments
譜 bǎi pǔ to put on airs; to be ostentatious
譜兒 bǎi pǔ r erhua variant of 擺譜|摆谱[bai3 pu3]
賣 bǎi mài hawking; street vending
輪 bǎi lún balance (of a watch or clock); balance wheel
造型 bǎi zào xíng to pose (for a picture)
鐘 bǎi zhōng pendulum clock
門面 bǎi mén miàn to keep up appearances; to put up a front