crowd, squeeze, push against


  • crowd, squeeze, push against
  • to crowd in
  • to cram in
  • to force others aside
  • to press
  • to squeeze
  • to find (time in one's busy schedule)


交通擁 jiāo tōng yōng jǐ traffic congestion
以小大 yǐ xiǎo jǐ dà minor projects eclipse major ones (idiom)
yā jǐ to squeeze out; to extrude
ái jǐ to crowd together; to jostle; squeezed
pái jǐ to crowd out; to push aside; to supplant
yōng jǐ crowded; to throng; congestion
不堪 yōng jǐ bù kān overcrowded; jam-packed
上去 jǐ shàng qu to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)
去 jǐ lái jǐ qù to mill about; to jostle
兌 jǐ duì a run on a bank
入 jǐ rù to squeeze in; to force oneself into; to cram into; to intrude
出 jǐ chū to squeeze out; to extrude; to drain; to find the time; to burst out
占 jǐ zhàn to seize; to push aside and occupy
咕 jǐ gū to wink at
垮 jǐ kuǎ to squash; to crush; to squeeze out of business; to drive out
壓 jǐ yā to squeeze; to press; to extrude
壓出 jǐ yā chū to extrude
奶 jǐ nǎi to milk
對 jǐ duì (coll.) to mock; to bully; to force (a concession out of sb)
提 jǐ tí bank run; to crowd into a bank and withdraw all one's money
插插 jǐ jǐ chā chā crowded tightly; jam-packed
滿 jǐ mǎn crowded to bursting point; filled to overflowing; jam-packed
牙膏 jǐ yá gāo lit. to squeeze out toothpaste; fig. to extract a confession under pressure
眉弄眼 jǐ méi nòng yǎn to make eyes; to wink
眼 jǐ yǎn to wink
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