crowd, squeeze, push against


  • crowd, squeeze, push against
  • to crowd in
  • to cram in
  • to force others aside
  • to press
  • to squeeze
  • to find (time in one's busy schedule)


緊 jǐ jǐn to squeeze
花 jǐ huā (cookery) to decorate using a piping bag; to extrude something though a piping bag; piping
花袋 jǐ huā dài piping bag (cookery)
落 jǐ luò (coll.) to push aside
踏 jǐ tà stampede
軋 jǐ yà to bump and shove
進 jǐ jìn to break into; to force one's way into; to barge into
過 jǐ guò to squeeze through; to force one's way through
jǐn jǐ to pinch; to squeeze tightly