dān dàn

carry, bear, undertake


擔 dān
  • to undertake
  • to carry
  • to shoulder
  • to take responsibility
擔 dàn
  • picul (100 catties, 50 kg)
  • two buckets full
  • carrying pole and its load
  • classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole


債務保證券 zhài wù dān bǎo zhèng quàn collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond
gōng dàn quintal (100 kg)
fēn dān to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility)
shì dàn Chinese unit of weight equal to 100 jin (or 50 kg)
biǎn dan carrying pole; shoulder pole; CL:根[gen1]
星 biǎn dan xīng Altair and its two adjacent stars
chéng dān to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc)
仔麵 dàn zǎi miàn ta-a noodles or danzai noodles, popular snack originating from Tainan
任 dān rèn to hold a governmental office or post; to assume office of; to take charge of; to serve as
保 dān bǎo to guarantee; to vouch for
子 dàn zi carrying pole and the loads on it; burden; task; responsibility; CL:副[fu4]
待 dān dài to pardon; please excuse (me); to take responsibility
心 dān xīn anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be anxious
憂 dān yōu to worry; to be concerned
懮 dān yōu worry; anxiety
承 dān chéng to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc)
麵 dàn dàn miàn Sichuan noodles with a spicy and numbing sauce
擱 dān ge variant of 耽擱|耽搁[dan1 ge5]
架 dān jià stretcher; litter; bier
架兵 dān jià bīng stretcher bearer (military)
架床 dān jià chuáng stretcher
架抬 dān jià tái stretcher (for the injured)
當 dān dāng to take upon oneself; to assume
綱 dān gāng to play the leading role
荷 dān hè to shoulder a burden
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