
diminish; impair; injure


  • diminish
  • impair
  • injure
  • to decrease
  • to lose
  • to damage
  • to harm
  • (coll.) to speak sarcastically
  • to deride
  • caustic
  • mean
  • one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨)


jiù sǔn old and damaged; in disrepair
xū sǔn (TCM) consumptive disease, chronic deficiency disorder due to impaired function of inner organs, deficiency of qi, blood, yin and yang; asthenia
kuī sǔn deficit; (financial) loss
傷 shì sǔn shāng visual impairment
biǎn sǔn to mock; to disparage; to belittle
跌打傷 diē dǎ sǔn shāng injury such as contusion, sprain or fracture from falling, blow etc
遲發性傷 chí fā xìng sǔn shāng delayed lesion
fáng sǔn loss prevention
附帶害 fù dài sǔn hài collateral damage (both as a legal term, and as a military euphemism)
蒙受失 méng shòu sǔn shī to suffer losses; to bear losses; to incur damages