
diminish; impair; injure


  • diminish
  • impair
  • injure
  • to decrease
  • to lose
  • to damage
  • to harm
  • (coll.) to speak sarcastically
  • to deride
  • caustic
  • mean
  • one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨)


耗 sǔn hào wear and tear
耗品 sǔn hào pǐn consumables
贈 sǔn zèng to donate; donation
huī sǔn to humble
性 yì sǔn xìng vulnerability
yǒu sǔn to be harmful (to)
壓縮 yǒu sǔn yā suō (computing) lossy compression
欲益反 yù yì fǎn sǔn wishing for profit, but causing loss (idiom); good intentions that lead to disaster; It all ends in tears.
點 zhǐ sǔn diǎn stop-loss point, a point at which you make a small loss to limit your losses
huǐ sǔn impair, damage
wū sǔn to contaminate
hǎi sǔn damage to goods during shipping
xiāo sǔn wear and tear; to wear away over time
jiǎn sǔn to impair; to degrade; to decrease; to reduce; to weaken; to detract from; impairment (e.g. of financial assets)
滿招,謙受益 mǎn zhāo sǔn , qiān shòu yì (idiom) complacency leads to loss, modesty brings profit; pride comes before a fall
環境害 huán jìng sǔn hài environmental damage
皮層性視傷 pí céng xìng shì sǔn shāng cortical visual impairment (CVI)
pò sǔn to become damaged
pèng sǔn bruising (damage to soft fruit etc)
mó sǔn wear and tear; abrasion
率 mó sǔn lǜ attrition rate
神經性視傷 shén jīng xìng shì sǔn shāng neurological visual impairment (NVI)
quē sǔn defective; defect
hào sǔn to waste
傷 nǎo sǔn shāng brain damage