
diminish; impair; injure


  • diminish
  • impair
  • injure
  • to decrease
  • to lose
  • to damage
  • to harm
  • (coll.) to speak sarcastically
  • to deride
  • caustic
  • mean
  • one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨)


丘腦傷 qiū nǎo sǔn shāng thalamic lesions
單 tíng sǔn dān stop order (finance)
點 tíng sǔn diǎn see 止損點|止损点[zhi3 sun3 dian3]
健康受 jiàn kāng shòu sǔn health damage
前部皮層下傷 qián bù pí céng xià sǔn shāng anterior subcortical lesions
gē sǔn circumcision (Bible term)
láo sǔn strain (medicine)
shòu sǔn to suffer damage
zuǐ sǔn (dialect) sharp-tongued; harsh
基底神經節孫傷 jī dǐ shén jīng jié sūn sǔn shāng basal ganglia lesions
完好無 wán hǎo wú sǔn in good condition; undamaged; intact
è sǔn to ridicule
人 sǔn rén to harm others; to mock people; to taunt; humiliating
人不利己 sǔn rén bù lì jǐ to harm others without benefiting oneself (idiom)
人利己 sǔn rén lì jǐ harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detriment of others
傷 sǔn shāng to harm; to damage; to injure; impairment; loss; disability
公肥私 sǔn gōng féi sī to damage the public interest for personal profit (idiom); personal profit at public expense; venal and selfish behavior
友 sǔn yǒu bad friend
壞 sǔn huài to damage; to injure
失 sǔn shī loss; damage; CL:個|个[ge4]; to lose; to suffer damage
害 sǔn hài harm; to damage; to impair
毀 sǔn huǐ to cause damage to; to ruin; to destroy
益 sǔn yì profit and loss; increase and decrease
益表 sǔn yì biǎo income statement (US); profit and loss account (UK)
稅 sǔn shuì crippling taxation
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