
gather, collect; pick, select


  • gather, collect
  • pick, select
  • to pick
  • to pluck
  • to collect
  • to select
  • to choose
  • to gather
  • color
  • complexion
  • looks
  • variant of 彩[cai3]
  • variant of 採|采[cai3]


比 bō cǎi bǐ stripping-to-ore ratio; stripping ratio
kě cǎi (mining) recoverable; workable
性 kě cǎi xìng (mining) workability (of deposits of coal, ore etc); (law) admissibility (of evidence in court)
huí cǎi stoping (excavating ore using stepped terraces); to extract ore; extraction; to pull back
ní cǎi Friedrich Nietzsche (1846-1900), German philosopher
兒 yīng cǎi ér Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi (1983-), actress
伐 cǎi fá to fell; to cut
光 cǎi guāng lighting; day lighting
出 cǎi chū to extract; to mine
制 cǎi zhì collect and process
取 cǎi qǔ to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action); to take
取措施 cǎi qǔ cuò shī to adopt measures; to take steps
取行動 cǎi qǔ xíng dòng to take action; to adopt policies; to move on some issue
場 cǎi chǎng slope
掘 cǎi jué to excavate; to extract (ore)
摘 cǎi zhāi to pluck; to pick
擇 cǎi zé to choose and use; to adopt (a decision)
收率 cǎi shōu lǜ recovery ratio
景 cǎi jǐng to choose a location; to frame a shot (for filming, photography etc)
暖 cǎi nuǎn heating
果 cǎi guǒ fruit picking
棉機 cǎi mián jī cotton picker
樣 cǎi yàng sampling
樣率 cǎi yàng lǜ sampling rate
油 cǎi yóu oil extraction; oil recovery
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