shě shè

discard, give up willingly; give alms


捨 shě
  • to give up
  • to abandon
  • to give alms
  • old variant of 捨|舍[she3]


bù shě reluctant to part with (sth or sb); unwilling to let go of
依依不 yī yī bù shě reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having to leave
gē shě to give up; to part with
qǔ shě to choose; to accept or reject
善財難 shàn cái nán shě to cherish wealth and find it hard to give up (idiom); refusing to contribute to charity; skinflint; miserly
五入 sì shě wǔ rù to round up to the nearest integer; to discard four, but treat five as whole (of decimal points)
四鄰八 sì lín bā shè the whole neighborhood
愛麗宮 ài lì shě gōng Elysée Palace, the residence of the president of the French Republic
戀戀不 liàn liàn bù shě reluctant to part
下 shě xià to abandon; to lay down
不得 shě bu de to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge
不得孩子套不住狼 shě bù de hái zi tào bù zhù láng one who is not prepared to risk his child will never catch the wolf (proverb); (fig.) one who is unwilling to take risks will not achieve great things
命 shě mìng to risk one's life
己 shě jǐ selfless; self-sacrifice (to help others); self-renunciation; altruism
己救人 shě jǐ jiù rén to abandon self for others (idiom); to sacrifice oneself to help the people; altruism
己為人 shě jǐ wèi rén to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); to sacrifice one's own interest for other people; altruism
己為公 shě jǐ wèi gōng to give up one's private interests for the public good (idiom); to behave altruistically; selfless and public spirited
得 shě de to be willing to part with sth
得一身剮,敢把皇帝拉下馬 shě de yī shēn guǎ , gǎn bǎ huáng dì lā xià mǎ one who does not fear the death of thousand cuts will dare to unhorse the emperor (proverb); to a fearless person, no fence is high enough
本逐末 shě běn zhú mò to neglect the root and pursue the tip (idiom); to neglect fundamentals and concentrate on details
棄 shě qì to give up; to abandon; to abort
正從邪 shě zhèng cóng xié to be corrupted by evil influences (idiom)
生取義 shě shēng qǔ yì to give up life for righteousness (idiom, from Mencius); to choose honor over life; would rather sacrifice one's life than one's principles
生忘死 shě shēng wàng sǐ bravery with no thought of personal safety (idiom); risking life and limb; undaunted by perils
身 shě shēn to give one's life
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