shě shè

discard, give up willingly; give alms


捨 shě
  • to give up
  • to abandon
  • to give alms
  • old variant of 捨|舍[she3]


身求法 shě shēn qiú fǎ to abandon one's body in the search for Buddha's truth (idiom)
車保帥 shě jū bǎo shuài rook sacrifice to save the king (in Chinese chess); fig. to protect a senior figure by blaming an underling; to pass the buck
shī shě to give in charity; to give alms (to the poor)
施粥飯 shī zhōu shě fàn to provide alms and rice (idiom)
神不守 shén bù shǒu shè abstracted; drifting off; restless
爾 fēi shě ěr Fisher (name)
退避三 tuì bì sān shè lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of superior strength; a strategic withdrawal
鍥而不 qiè ér bù shě to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere; unflagging efforts
難分難 nán fēn nán shě loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
難分 nán shě nán fēn loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
難離 nán shě nán lí loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate