move; dispel; distribute

HSK 6 #1807


  • move
  • dispel
  • distribute
  • to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc
  • to dial
  • to allocate
  • to set aside (money)
  • to poke (the fire)
  • to pluck (a string instrument)
  • to turn round
  • classifier: group, batch


拨 stroke order diagram
拨 stroke order animation


是非 tiǎo bō shì fēi to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people; to tell tales; to make mischief
挑灯火 tiǎo dēng bō huǒ to sow discord; to provoke
付 bō fù appropriate sum of money
出 bō chū to pull out; to allocate (funds); to dial
刺 bō cī splash (of a fish)
奏 bō zòu pizzicato
子 bō zi plectrum
子弹 bō zǐ tán plectrum
弦乐器 bō xián yuè qì plucked string or stringed instrument; plucked instrument
接 bō jiē dial-up (Internet connection)
正 bō zhèng to set right; to correct
用 bō yòng appropriation
空 bō kòng to make time
号连接 bō hào lián jiē dial-up connection; dial-up networking
号音 bō hào yīn dial tone
转 bō zhuǎn to turn; to turn around; to transfer (funds etc)