uproot, pull out

HSK 6 #1502


拔 bá
  • to pull up
  • to pull out
  • to draw out by suction
  • to select
  • to pick
  • to stand out (above level)
  • to surpass
  • to seize


拔 stroke order diagram
拔 stroke order animation


jìng bá tall and straight
吹灯蜡 chuī dēng bá là lit. to blow out the lamp and put out the candle (idiom); fig. to die; to bite the dust; to be over and done with
吹燈蠟 chuī dēng bá là lit. to blow out the lamp and put out the candle (idiom); fig. to die; to bite the dust; to be over and done with
堅忍不 jiān rěn bù bá fortitude
堅韌不 jiān rèn bù bá firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacious and unyielding
gū bá Amédée Courbet (1826-1885), a French admiral who won a series of important land and naval victories during the Tonkin campaign and the Sino-French War
bǎ bá daddy
tuò bá branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534); also written 拓跋
刀相助 bá dāo xiāng zhù see 路見不平,拔刀相助|路见不平,拔刀相助[lu4 jian4 bu4 ping2 , ba2 dao1 xiang1 zhu4]
取 bá qǔ to pick out; to select and recruit; to pluck; to pull
地 bá dì to rise steeply from level ground
尖儿 bá jiān r erhua variant of 拔尖[ba2 jian1]
尖兒 bá jiān r erhua variant of 拔尖[ba2 jian1]
擢 bá zhuó select the best people for promotion
染 bá rǎn discharge
根 bá gēn (lit. and fig.) to uproot
毒 bá dú draw out pus by applying a plaster to the affected area
毛 bá máo to pull out hair; to pluck; epilation
毛连茹 bá máo lián rú lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
毛連茹 bá máo lián rú lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
海 bá hǎi elevation (above sea level)
凉 bá liáng bá liáng (dialect) very cold; chilled
涼 bá liáng bá liáng (dialect) very cold; chilled
火罐 bá huǒ guàn suction cup (used in Chinese medicine to draw the blood and qi 氣|气); detachable suction chimney to make a stove draw
火罐儿 bá huǒ guàn r erhua variant of 拔火罐[ba2 huo3 guan4]