dān dàn

carry, bear, undertake

HSK 3 #720


担 dān
  • to undertake
  • to carry
  • to shoulder
  • to take responsibility
担 dàn
  • picul (100 catties, 50 kg)
  • two buckets full
  • carrying pole and its load
  • classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole


担 stroke order diagram
担 stroke order animation


架兵 dān jià bīng stretcher bearer (military)
架床 dān jià chuáng stretcher
架抬 dān jià tái stretcher (for the injured)
荷 dān hè to shoulder a burden
误 dān wu variant of 耽誤|耽误[dan1 wu5]
替古人忧 tì gǔ rén dān yōu to fret over the worries of long-departed people (idiom); to worry unnecessarily; crying over spilt milk; often used with negatives, e.g. no need to worry about past issues
牵羊酒 qiān yáng dān jiǔ pulling a lamb and bringing wine on a carrying pole (idiom); fig. to offer elaborate congratulations; to kill the fatted calf
不起 fù dān bu qǐ cannot afford; cannot bear the burden
者 fù dān zhě bearer
资产保证券 zī chǎn dān bǎo zhèng quàn asset-backed security; ABS
líng dān less-than-truck-load freight (LTL) (transportation)