
pull; drag; right itself



扳 bān
  • to pull
  • to turn (sth) around
  • to turn around (a situation)
  • to recoup
扳 pān
  • variant of 攀[pan1]


扳 stroke order diagram
扳 stroke order animation


机 bān jī (gun) trigger
手 bān shǒu spanner; wrench; lever (on a machine)
回 bān huí to pull back; to regain (one's dignity etc); to recover from (an adverse situation); to turn the tables
子 bān zi spanner; wrench; CL:把[ba3]
平 bān píng to equalize; to level the score; to pull back the advantage
内六角手 nèi liù jiǎo bān shǒu Allen key; hex key
內六角手 nèi liù jiǎo bān shǒu Allen key; hex key
劈空害 pī kōng bān hài damaged by groundless slander (idiom)
手 dāi bān shǒu open spanner; open end spanner; flat spanner
套筒手 tào tǒng bān shǒu socket spanner
葫芦 shǒu bān hú lu lever hoist pulley
葫蘆 shǒu bān hú lu lever hoist pulley
不倒儿 bān bù dǎo r tumbler; roly-poly
不倒兒 bān bù dǎo r tumbler; roly-poly
价 bān jià to demand a high price
價 bān jià to demand a high price
动 bān dòng to pull out; to pull a lever
動 bān dòng to pull out; to pull a lever
回一城 bān huí yī chéng to recover some lost ground (in a competition)
指 bān zhǐ ornamental thumb ring (originally a ring, often made from jade, worn by archers in ancient times to protect the right thumb when drawing a bowstring)
指儿 bān zhǐ r erhua variant of 扳指[ban1 zhi3]
指兒 bān zhǐ r erhua variant of 扳指[ban1 zhi3]
本 bān běn to recoup losses (in gambling)
本儿 bān běn r to recoup losses (in gambling)
本兒 bān běn r to recoup losses (in gambling)
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