
pull; drag; right itself



扳 bān
  • to pull
  • to turn (sth) around
  • to turn around (a situation)
  • to recoup
扳 pān
  • variant of 攀[pan1]


扳 stroke order diagram
扳 stroke order animation


機 bān jī (gun) trigger
罾 bān zēng to lift the fishnet
道 bān dào railroad switch
道员 bān dào yuán pointsman; switchman
道員 bān dào yuán pointsman; switchman
道岔 bān dào chà railroad switch
钳 bān qián wrench; spanner
鉗 bān qián wrench; spanner
龙附凤 bān lóng fù fèng hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoenix (idiom); fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement
龍附鳳 bān lóng fù fèng hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoenix (idiom); fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement
活动手 huó dòng bān shǒu adjustable spanner
活動手 huó dòng bān shǒu adjustable spanner
手 guǎn bān shǒu pipe wrench