strike, hit, beat; fight; attack

HSK 1 #223


打 dǎ
  • to beat
  • to strike
  • to hit
  • to break
  • to type
  • to mix up
  • to build
  • to fight
  • to fetch
  • to make
  • to tie up
  • to issue
  • to shoot
  • to calculate
  • to play (a game)
  • since
  • from
打 dá
  • dozen (loanword)


打 stroke order diagram
打 stroke order animation


kāi dǎ (of a sports competition or match) to commence; (of a war or battle) to break out; to perform acrobatic or choreographed fighting (in Chinese opera); to brawl; to come to blows
shuāng dǎ doubles (in sports); CL:場|场[chang3]
鸡飞蛋 jī fēi dàn dǎ the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken; a dead loss (idiom)
雞飛蛋 jī fēi dàn dǎ the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken; a dead loss (idiom)
碎敲 líng dǎ suì qiāo to do things in bits and pieces (idiom); piecemeal work
雷公豆腐 léi gōng dǎ dòu fu the God of Thunder strikes bean curd; fig. to bully the weakest person; to pick on an easy target
雷公豆腐,拣软的欺 léi gōng dǎ dòu fu , jiǎn ruǎn de qī the God of Thunder strikes bean curd, a bully picks the weakest person; to pick on an easy target
雷公豆腐,揀軟的欺 léi gōng dǎ dòu fu , jiǎn ruǎn de qī the God of Thunder strikes bean curd, a bully picks the weakest person; to pick on an easy target
不動 léi dǎ bù dòng not shaken by thunder (idiom); the arrangements are unalterable; to adhere rigidly to regulations; will go ahead whatever happens (of an arrangement or plan)
風吹雨 fēng chuī yǔ dǎ lit. windswept and battered by rain; to undergo hardship (idiom)
点阵式印机 diǎn zhèn shì dǎ yìn jī dot matrix printer
點陣式印機 diǎn zhèn shì dǎ yìn jī dot matrix printer
点阵印机 diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī dot matrix printer
點陣印機 diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī dot matrix printer
夯儿地 qí dǎ hāng r de in unison and with one voice (dialect)
夯兒地 qí dǎ hāng r de in unison and with one voice (dialect)
基础 dǎ jī chǔ to lay a foundation; to establish a basis
着 dǎ zhe carry; hold; wear (indicating action in process); pretend; feign (to appear as if)
起 dǎ qǐ to start a fight or lawsuit
麻將 dǎ má jiàng play Mahjong; engaging in the traditional Chinese tile-based game
基礎 dǎ jī chǔ laying the foundation; to lay the groundwork or foundation
麦场 dǎ mài chǎng threshing ground; a place for threshing grain
着灯笼 dǎ zhe dēng lóng holding a lantern; searching painstakingly; metaphorically used to emphasize the importance of finding something
三剂 dǎ sān jì to take three doses; in this context, refers to receiving three doses of a vaccine
入 dǎ rù to break into; to force entry; to penetrate