HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 235th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.0) |
INDEX # | 29 |
talent, ability; just, only
才 cái |

刚才 gāng cái | just now; a moment ago; (just) a moment ago |
人才 rén cái | talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks |
天才 tiān cái | talent; gift; genius; talented; gifted |
才干 cái gàn | ability; competence |
才华 cái huá | talent; CL:份[fen4] |
才能 cái néng | talent; ability; capacity |
才华横溢 cái huá héng yì | brimming over with talent (esp. literary); brilliant |
多才多艺 duō cái duō yì | multi-talented |
才智 cái zhì | ability and wisdom |
口才 kǒu cái | eloquence |
聪明才智 cōng ming cái zhì | intelligence and wisdom |
奇才 qí cái | genius |
奴才 nú cai | slave; fig. flunkey |
才气 cái qì | talent (usually literary or artistic) |
江郎才尽 jiāng láng cái jìn | Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (idiom); fig. to have used up one's creative powers; to have writer's block |
全才 quán cái | all-rounder; versatile |
才女 cái nǚ | talented girl |
才子 cái zǐ | gifted scholar |
庸才 yōng cái | mediocrity |
自学成才 zì xué chéng cái | a self-made genius |
成才 chéng cái | to make sth of oneself; to become a person who is worthy of respect |
鬼才信 guǐ cái xìn | who would believe it!; what rubbish! |
方才 fāng cái | just now; then |
人才济济 rén cái jǐ jǐ | a galaxy of talent (idiom); a great number of competent people |
才学 cái xué | talent and learning; scholarship |