

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


自缚脚 zì fù shǒu jiǎo to bind oneself hand and foot
自縛腳 zì fù shǒu jiǎo to bind oneself hand and foot
jǔ shǒu to raise a hand; to put up one's hand (as signal)
之劳 jǔ shǒu zhī láo lit. the exertion of lifting one's hand (idiom); fig. a very slight effort
之勞 jǔ shǒu zhī láo lit. the exertion of lifting one's hand (idiom); fig. a very slight effort
投足 jǔ shǒu tóu zú one's every movement (idiom); comportment; gestures
zhuó shǒu to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out
成春 zhuó shǒu chéng chūn lit. set out and it becomes spring (idiom); to effect a miracle cure (of medical operation); to bring back the dead; once it starts, everything goes well
成春 zhuó shǒu chéng chūn lit. set out and it becomes spring (idiom); to effect a miracle cure (of medical operation); to bring back the dead; once it starts, everything goes well
苹果机 píng guǒ shǒu jī Apple phone; iPhone
蘋果機 píng guǒ shǒu jī Apple phone; iPhone
hào shǒu trumpeter; military bugler
行家裡 háng jiā lǐ shǒu connoisseur; expert
旁觀 xiù shǒu páng guān to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger
lǐ shǒu expert; left-hand side (of a machine); left-hand side (driver's side) of a vehicle
视同足 shì tóng shǒu zú to regard sb as a brother (idiom)
視同足 shì tóng shǒu zú to regard sb as a brother (idiom)
亲如足 qīn rú shǒu zú as close as brothers (idiom); deep friendship
親如足 qīn rú shǒu zú as close as brothers (idiom); deep friendship
qīn shǒu personally; with one's own hands
亲自动 qīn zì dòng shǒu to do the job oneself
親自動 qīn zì dòng shǒu to do the job oneself
解大 jiě dà shǒu (coll.) to defecate
解小 jiě xiǎo shǒu (coll.) to urinate
chù shǒu tentacle