

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


xiān shǒu delicate hands; woman's tender and soft hands
bà shǒu to give up
羊肚子巾 yáng dù zi shǒu jīn see 羊肚手巾[yang2 du4 shou3 jin1]
羊肚巾 yáng dù shǒu jīn (dialect) towel (especially worn as a turban)
美容术 měi róng shǒu shù cosmetic surgery
美容術 měi róng shǒu shù cosmetic surgery
为云覆变雨 fān shǒu wéi yún fù shǒu biàn yǔ lit. turning his hand palm up he gathers the clouds, turning his hand palm down he turns them to rain; very powerful and capable (idiom)
為雲覆變雨 fān shǒu wéi yún fù shǒu biàn yǔ lit. turning his hand palm up he gathers the clouds, turning his hand palm down he turns them to rain; very powerful and capable (idiom)
龍 yì shǒu lóng pterodactyl
老鼠拉龟,无从下 lǎo shǔ lā guī , wú cóng xià shǒu like mice trying to pull a turtle, nowhere to get a hand grip (idiom); no clue where to start
老鼠拉龜,無從下 lǎo shǔ lā guī , wú cóng xià shǒu like mice trying to pull a turtle, nowhere to get a hand grip (idiom); no clue where to start
腕 shuǎ shǒu wàn to play tricks; to maneuver
shèng shǒu divine physician; sage doctor; highly skilled practitioner
lián shǒu lit. to join hands; to act together
背影杀 bèi yǐng shā shǒu (slang) (usu. of a woman) sb who looks stunning from behind; sb who has a great figure but not necessarily an attractive face; abbr. to 背殺|背杀[bei4 sha1]
背影殺 bèi yǐng shā shǒu (slang) (usu. of a woman) sb who looks stunning from behind; sb who has a great figure but not necessarily an attractive face; abbr. to 背殺|背杀[bei4 sha1]
背着 bèi zhe shǒu with one's hands clasped behind one's back
背著 bèi zhe shǒu with one's hands clasped behind one's back
胝足 pián shǒu zhī zú with callouses on hands and feet (idiom); to work one's fingers to the bone
tuō shǒu (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc); to get rid of; to unload
架 jiǎo shǒu jià scaffolding
自己动 zì jǐ dòng shǒu to do (sth) oneself; to help oneself to
自己動 zì jǐ dòng shǒu to do (sth) oneself; to help oneself to
自杀炸弹杀 zì shā zhà dàn shā shǒu suicide bomber
自殺炸彈殺 zì shā zhà dàn shā shǒu suicide bomber