

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


平板机 píng bǎn shǒu jī phablet (hybrid between a smart phone and a tablet)
平板機 píng bǎn shǒu jī phablet (hybrid between a smart phone and a tablet)
弄到 nòng dào shǒu to get in hand; to get (one's) hands on; to get hold of (in the sense of to acquire)
弓弩 gōng nǔ shǒu crossbow shooter
弓箭 gōng jiàn shǒu archer
强中更有强中 qiáng zhōng gèng yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu see 強中自有強中手|强中自有强中手[qiang2 zhong1 zi4 you3 qiang2 zhong1 shou3]
強中更有強中 qiáng zhōng gèng yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu see 強中自有強中手|强中自有强中手[qiang2 zhong1 zi4 you3 qiang2 zhong1 shou3]
强中自有强中 qiáng zhōng zì yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu however strong you are, there is always someone stronger (idiom); there is always sth more to learn; never be satisfied to rest on your laurels; there is no room for complacency
強中自有強中 qiáng zhōng zì yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu however strong you are, there is always someone stronger (idiom); there is always sth more to learn; never be satisfied to rest on your laurels; there is no room for complacency
强将下无弱兵 qiáng jiàng shǒu xià wú ruò bīng there are no poor soldiers under a good general (idiom)
強將下無弱兵 qiáng jiàng shǒu xià wú ruò bīng there are no poor soldiers under a good general (idiom)
画 tú shǒu huà freehand drawing
畫 tú shǒu huà freehand drawing
得心應 dé xīn yìng shǒu lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job; entirely in one's element; going smoothly and easily
yù shǒu the emperor's hand; variant of 馭手|驭手[yu4 shou3]
微创术 wēi chuāng shǒu shù minimally invasive surgery
微創術 wēi chuāng shǒu shù minimally invasive surgery
心毒辣 xīn dú shǒu là vicious and ruthless
心脏搭桥术 xīn zàng dā qiáo shǒu shù coronary bypass operation
心臟搭橋術 xīn zàng dā qiáo shǒu shù coronary bypass operation
心靈巧 xīn líng shǒu qiǎo capable; clever; dexterous
guài shǒu (Tw) excavator; backhoe
愛不釋 ài bù shì shǒu to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly
惯用 guàn yòng shǒu dominant hand
慣用 guàn yòng shǒu dominant hand