

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


腳 dòng shǒu jiǎo (coll.) to tamper with; to mess around with
gōu shǒu to collude with; to collaborate; (basketball) hook shot
博客写 bó kè xiě shǒu blogger; blog writer
博客寫 bó kè xiě shǒu blogger; blog writer
吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的短 chī rén jiā de zuǐ ruǎn , ná rén jiā de shǒu duǎn lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom); fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted
吃人家的嘴軟,拿人家的短 chī rén jiā de zuǐ ruǎn , ná rén jiā de shǒu duǎn lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom); fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted
hé shǒu to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting); to work with a common purpose; harmonious; convenient (to use)
吉他 jí tā shǒu guitar player
míng shǒu master; famous artist or sportsman
君子动口不动 jūn zǐ dòng kǒu bù dòng shǒu a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist
君子動口不動 jūn zǐ dòng kǒu bù dòng shǒu a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist
吹竽 chuī yú shǒu player of the yu 竽[yu2] (free reed wind instrument)
吹鼓 chuī gǔ shǒu (old) musicians at a wedding cortege or funeral procession; (fig.) trumpeter of sb's praises; booster
呆扳 dāi bān shǒu open spanner; open end spanner; flat spanner
道 táng shǒu dào Tang soo do (Korean martial art)
可得 tuò shǒu kě dé easily obtained; readily available
dān shǒu one hand; single-handed
dān shǒu one hand; single-handed
guó shǒu (sports) member of the national team; national representative; (medicine, chess etc) one of the most highly skilled practitioners in one's country
guó shǒu (sports) member of the national team; national representative; (medicine, chess etc) one of the most highly skilled practitioners in one's country
外交腕 wài jiāo shǒu wàn diplomatic
wài shǒu right-hand side (of a machine); right-hand side (passenger side) of a vehicle
外科术 wài kē shǒu shù surgery
外科術 wài kē shǒu shù surgery
多脚 duō shǒu duō jiǎo to meddle; to make a nuisance of oneself