

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


交钱,一交货 yī shǒu jiāo qián , yī shǒu jiāo huò lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods (idiom); fig. to pay for what you want in cash; simple and direct transaction
交錢,一交貨 yī shǒu jiāo qián , yī shǒu jiāo huò lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods (idiom); fig. to pay for what you want in cash; simple and direct transaction
包辦 yī shǒu bāo bàn to take care of a matter all by oneself; to run the whole show
遮天 yī shǒu zhē tiān lit. to hide the sky with one hand; to hide the truth from the masses
一把好 yī bǎ hǎo shǒu expert; dab hand
一举一投足 yī jǔ shǒu yī tóu zú every little move; every single movement
一舉一投足 yī jǔ shǒu yī tóu zú every little move; every single movement
八脚 qī shǒu bā jiǎo (idiom) with everyone lending a hand (eagerly but somewhat chaotically)
八腳 qī shǒu bā jiǎo (idiom) with everyone lending a hand (eagerly but somewhat chaotically)
病 sān shǒu bìng repetitive strain injury (resulting from frequent use of one's thumb, wrist etc)
三只 sān zhī shǒu pickpocket
三隻 sān zhī shǒu pickpocket
上下其 shàng xià qí shǒu to raise and lower one's hand (idiom); to signal as conspiratorial hint; fig. conspiring to defraud
不怕神一样的对,就怕猪一样的队友 bù pà shén yī yàng de duì shǒu , jiù pà zhū yī yàng de duì yǒu a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent (idiom)
不怕神一樣的對,就怕豬一樣的隊友 bù pà shén yī yàng de duì shǒu , jiù pà zhū yī yàng de duì yǒu a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent (idiom)
不擇段 bù zé shǒu duàn by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously
diū shǒu to wash one's hands of sth; to have nothing further to do with sth
房 èr shǒu fáng second-hand house; house acquired indirectly through a middle-man
烟 èr shǒu yān second-hand smoke
煙 èr shǒu yān second-hand smoke
貨 èr shǒu huò second-hand goods; used goods
車 èr shǒu chē second-hand car
动 rén shǒu dòng manually controlled
動 rén shǒu dòng manually controlled
人有失,马有失蹄 rén yǒu shī shǒu , mǎ yǒu shī tí lit. just as humans make mistakes, so can a horse stumble (idiom); fig. everyone makes mistakes; even the best fall down sometimes