
door; family, household


戶 hù
  • a household
  • door
  • family


區 péng hù qū shantytown
市 shuǐ hù shì Mito City, capital of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
jiāng hù Edo (old name of Tokyo)
活期帳 huó qī zhàng hù current account (in bank)
流水不腐,樞不蠹 liú shuǐ bù fǔ , hù shū bù dù lit. flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom); fig. constant activity prevents decay
清拆 qīng chāi hù demolition of homes; to destroy homes (for new building projects)
獨立門 dú lì mén hù to live apart from parents (of married couple); to achieve independence
座 liè hù zuò Orion (constellation)
座大星雲 liè hù zuò dà xīng yún the Great Nebula in Orion M42
座流星雨 liè hù zuò liú xīng yǔ Orionids; Orionid meteor shower
臂 liè hù bì Orion spiral arm or local spur of our galaxy (containing our solar system)
yòng hù user; consumer; subscriber; customer
到網絡接口 yòng hù dào wǎng luò jiē kǒu user-network interface; UNI
到網絡的接口 yòng hù dào wǎng luò de jiē kǒu User-Network Interface; UNI
創造內容 yòng hù chuàng zào nèi róng user-generated content (of a website)
名 yòng hù míng username; user ID
定義 yòng hù dìng yì user-defined
界面 yòng hù jiè miàn user interface
端設備 yòng hù duān shè bèi customer premise equipment; CPE
線 yòng hù xiàn subscriber line
登記用 dēng jì yòng hù registered user
shén hù Kōbe, major Japanese port near Ōsaka
zū hù tenant; person who leases
chuāng hu window; CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4]
欞 chuāng hù líng window frame