
door; family, household


戶 hù
  • a household
  • door
  • family


口簿 hù kǒu bù household register
告人曉 hù gào rén xiǎo to make known to every household (idiom); to disseminate widely; to shout from the rooftops
均 hù jūn household average
型 hù xíng configuration of rooms in a residence (e.g. 3BR 2 Bath)
外 hù wài outdoor
樞不蠹 hù shū bù dù lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-eaten; constant activity prevents decay (idiom)
牖 hù yǒu door and window; the home
籍 hù jí census register; household register
縣 hù xiàn Hu county in Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1], Shaanxi
部 hù bù Ministry of Revenue in imperial China
部尚書 hù bù shàng shū Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)
限 hù xiàn threshold
限為穿 hù xiàn wèi chuān an endless stream of visitors (idiom)
頭 hù tóu bank account; CL:個|个[ge4]
挨家挨 āi jiā āi hù to go from house to house
āi hù from house to house, one by one
挨家 āi hù āi jiā see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户[ai1 jia1 ai1 hu4]
挨門挨 āi mén āi hù see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户[ai1 jia1 ai1 hu4]
搬遷 bān qiān hù relocated household; unit that has moved
收益帳 shōu yì zhàng hù income account (accountancy)
sǎn hù individual (shareholder); the small investor
數字用線路 shù zì yòng hù xiàn lù digital subscriber line (DSL)
暴發 bào fā hù newly rich; parvenu; upstart
柴門小 chái mén xiǎo hù woodcutter's cottage (idiom); poor person's hovel; fig. my humble house
péng hù shacks; shack-dwellers; slum-dwellers