our, us, i, me, my, we

HSK 1 #9


  • our, us, i, me, my, we
  • I
  • me
  • my


我 stroke order diagram
我 stroke order animation


司 wǒ sī our company (polite)
國 wǒ guó our country; China
曹 wǒ cáo (archaic) we; us; (Internet slang) (substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck; WTF
等 wǒ děng we; us (archaic)
肏 wǒ cào (vulgar) fuck; WTF
辈 wǒ bèi (literary) we; us
輩 wǒ bèi (literary) we; us
醉欲眠 wǒ zuì yù mián lit. I'm drunk and would like to sleep (idiom); (used to indicate one's sincere and straightforward nature)
靠 wǒ kào bosh!; crap!; see also 哇靠[wa1 kao4]
所知 jù wǒ suǒ zhī as far as I know; to the best of my knowledge
所知 jù wǒ suǒ zhī as far as I know; to the best of my knowledge
看 jù wǒ kàn in my view; in my opinion; from what I can see
看 jù wǒ kàn in my view; in my opinion; from what I can see
gù wǒ one's old self; one's original self; what one has always been
dí wǒ the enemy and us
矛盾 dí wǒ máo dùn contradictions between ourselves and the enemy; Either you are for us or against us.
矛盾 dí wǒ máo dùn contradictions between ourselves and the enemy; Either you are for us or against us.
敌众寡 dí zhòng wǒ guǎ multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius); heavily outnumbered; beaten by the weight of numbers
敵眾寡 dí zhòng wǒ guǎ multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius); heavily outnumbered; beaten by the weight of numbers
時不待 shí bù wǒ dài time and tide wait for no man (idiom)
běn wǒ id; the self
岁不与 suì bù wǒ yǔ Time and tide wait for no man (idiom)
歲不與 suì bù wǒ yǔ Time and tide wait for no man (idiom)
wú wǒ anatta (Buddhist concept of "non-self")
wú wǒ anatta (Buddhist concept of "non-self")