
pity, sympathize


  • pity, sympathize
  • to pity


乞哀告 qǐ āi gào lián begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)
qǐ lián to beg for pity
kě lián pitiful; pathetic; to have pity on
兮兮 kě lián xī xī miserable; wretched
巴巴 kě lián bā bā pathetic; pitiful
蟲 kě lián chóng pitiful creature; wretch
見 kě lián jiàn (coll.) pitiable; to have pity on sb
同病相 tóng bìng xiāng lián fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
āi lián to feel compassion for; to pity on; to feel sorry for
惜香玉 xī xiāng lián yù see 憐香惜玉|怜香惜玉[lian2 xiang1 xi1 yu4]
ài lián to show tenderness; to coo over; affection
恤 lián xù to take pity; to show compassion
惜 lián xī to take pity on; to feel tenderness toward
愛 lián ài to have tender affection for; to love tenderly; to pamper sb
憫 lián mǐn to take pity on; pity; mercy
香惜玉 lián xiāng xī yù to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex (idiom)
經 qiú lián jīng Kyrie Eleison (section of Catholic mass); Miserere nobis; Lord have mercy upon us
生愛 yóu lián shēng ài to develop love for sb out of pity for them
自艾自 zì ài zì lián to feel sorry for oneself
顧影自 gù yǐng zì lián lit. looking at one's shadow and feeling sorry for oneself (idiom); fig. alone and dejected
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