
thought, idea, opinion; think

HSK 2 #104


意 yì
  • Italy
  • Italian
  • abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]
  • idea
  • meaning
  • thought
  • to think
  • wish
  • desire
  • intention
  • to expect
  • to anticipate


意 stroke order diagram
意 stroke order animation


真心实 zhēn xīn shí yì genuine and sincere (idiom); wholehearted
粗心大 cū xīn dà yì negligent; careless; inadvertent
境 yì jìng artistic mood or conception; creative concept
测验 mín yì cè yàn opinion poll
jué yì to be determined
lái yì one's purpose in coming
qíng yì friendly regard; affection
味深长 yì wèi shēn cháng profound; significant; meaningful
虚情假 xū qíng jiǎ yì false friendship; hypocritical show of affection
洋洋 dé yì yáng yáng joyfully satisfied; to be immensely proud of oneself; proudly; an air of complacency
识形态 yì shí xíng tài ideology
shòu yì to inspire; to incite
hán yì meaning
万事如 wàn shì rú yì to have all one's wishes (idiom); best wishes; all the best; may all your hopes be fulfilled
诚心诚 chéng xīn chéng yì earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all sincerity
心灰冷 xīn huī yì lěng discouraged; downhearted
情投合 qíng tóu yì hé to have an affinity with each other (idiom); to find each other congenial
算盘 rú yì suàn pán counting one's chickens before they are hatched
气用事 yì qì yòng shì to let emotions affect one's decisions
气风发 yì qì fēng fā high-spirited; full of mettle
识 yǒu yì shí conscious
言外之 yán wài zhī yì unspoken implication (idiom); the actual meaning of what was said
zì yì without restraint; unbridled; reckless
春风得 chūn fēng dé yì flushed with success; proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc); as pleased as punch
洋洋得 yáng yáng dé yì immensely pleased with oneself (idiom); proud; complacent