
thought, idea, opinion; think

HSK 2 #104


意 yì
  • Italy
  • Italian
  • abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]
  • idea
  • meaning
  • thought
  • to think
  • wish
  • desire
  • intention
  • to expect
  • to anticipate


意 stroke order diagram
意 stroke order animation


jìn yì to express fully; all one's feelings
真心實 zhēn xīn shí yì genuine and sincere (idiom); wholehearted
真情實 zhēn qíng shí yì out of genuine friendship (idiom); sincere feelings
知情同 zhī qíng tóng yì informed consent
圖 shì yì tú sketch; schematic diagram; graph
礼轻人重 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
禮輕人重 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
礼轻人重,千里送鹅毛 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng , qiān lǐ sòng é máo goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
禮輕人重,千里送鵝毛 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng , qiān lǐ sòng é máo goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
礼轻情重 lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.
禮輕情重 lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.
稱心如 chèn xīn rú yì after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory; everything one could wish
chèn yì to be satisfactory
chèn yì to be satisfactory
zòng yì willfully; wantonly
zòng yì willfully; wantonly
妄为 sì yì wàng wéi see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为[zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2]
妄為 sì yì wàng wéi see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为[zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2]
自我识 zì wǒ yì shí self-awareness
自我識 zì wǒ yì shí self-awareness
自由志 zì yóu yì zhì free will
自由志主义 zì yóu yì zhì zhǔ yì libertarianism
自由志主義 zì yóu yì zhì zhǔ yì libertarianism
自鳴得 zì míng dé yì to think highly of oneself
萬事如 wàn shì rú yì to have all one's wishes (idiom); best wishes; all the best; may all your hopes be fulfilled