
thought, idea, opinion; think

HSK 2 #104


意 yì
  • Italy
  • Italian
  • abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]
  • idea
  • meaning
  • thought
  • to think
  • wish
  • desire
  • intention
  • to expect
  • to anticipate


意 stroke order diagram
意 stroke order animation


揚揚 dé yì yáng yáng variant of 得意洋洋[de2 yi4 yang2 yang2]
門生 dé yì mén shēng favorite pupil
志 dé yì zhì German (phonetic rendition of "Deutsch"); Germany
志学术交流中心 dé yì zhì xué shù jiāo liú zhōng xīn German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
志學術交流中心 dé yì zhì xué shù jiāo liú zhōng xīn German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
志民主共和国 dé yì zhì mín zhǔ gòng hé guó German Democratic Republic (East Germany), 1945-1990
志民主共和國 dé yì zhì mín zhǔ gòng hé guó German Democratic Republic (East Germany), 1945-1990
志联邦共和国 dé yì zhì lián bāng gòng hé guó Federal Republic of Germany; former West Germany 1945-1990, now simply Germany
志聯邦共和國 dé yì zhì lián bāng gòng hé guó Federal Republic of Germany; former West Germany 1945-1990, now simply Germany
志银行 dé yì zhì yín háng Deutsche Bank
志銀行 dé yì zhì yín háng Deutsche Bank
心慌亂 xīn huāng yì luàn confused; rattled; flustered
心滿足 xīn mǎn yì zú perfectly contented (idiom); perfectly satisfied
心灰懒 xīn huī yì lǎn discouraged; downhearted
心灰懶 xīn huī yì lǎn discouraged; downhearted
心煩亂 xīn fán yì luàn lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety
心猿马 xīn yuán yì mǎ lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.); to have ants in one's pants; hyperactive; adventurous and uncontrollable
心猿馬 xīn yuán yì mǎ lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.); to have ants in one's pants; hyperactive; adventurous and uncontrollable
志得满 zhì dé yì mǎn fully content with one's achievements (idiom); complacent
志得滿 zhì dé yì mǎn fully content with one's achievements (idiom); complacent
思想识 sī xiǎng yì shí consciousness
思想識 sī xiǎng yì shí consciousness
妄為 zì yì wàng wéi to behave unscrupulously
行乐 zì yì xíng lè to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)
行樂 zì yì xíng lè to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)