
evil, wicked, bad, foul


惡 è
  • evil
  • fierce
  • vicious
  • ugly
  • coarse
  • to harm
惡 wù
  • to hate
  • to loathe
  • ashamed
  • to fear
  • to slander
惡 ě
  • see 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]


務盡 chú è wù jìn to eradicate evil completely (idiom); thorough in rooting out wickedness
xiǎn è dangerous; sinister; vicious
揚善 yǐn è yáng shàn to praise the virtue of sb or sth while concealing their faults
心善 miàn è xīn shàn to have a mean-looking face but a heart of gold (idiom)
鬼怕人 guǐ pà è rén lit. ghosts are afraid of evil too; an evil person fears someone even more evil (idiom)