dàn tán

pellet, bullet, shot, shell


彈 dàn
  • crossball
  • bullet
  • shot
  • shell
  • ball
彈 tán
  • to pluck (a string)
  • to play (a string instrument)
  • to spring or leap
  • to shoot (e.g. with a catapult)
  • (of cotton) to fluff or tease
  • to flick
  • to flip
  • to accuse
  • to impeach
  • elastic (of materials)


qiú dàn ball (in sport, incl. billiards)
生物藥 shēng wù dàn yào biological ammunition
男兒有淚不輕 nán ér yǒu lèi bù qīng tán real men do not easily cry (idiom)
破甲 pò jiǎ dàn armor piercing shell
空地導 kòng dì dǎo dàn air-to-surface missile
空對空導 kōng duì kōng dǎo dàn air-to-air missile
空空導 kōng kōng dǎo dàn air-to-air missile
táng dàn sugar-coated bullets, term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupting bourgeois influences (abbr. for 糖衣炮彈|糖衣炮弹[tang2 yi1 pao4 dan4])
糖衣炮 táng yī pào dàn sugar-coated bullets, term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupting bourgeois influences
jiū tán to censure; to denounce; to impeach
紅外線導引飛 hóng wài xiàn dǎo yǐn fēi dàn infrared guided missile
老調重 lǎo diào chóng tán to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal
肩射導 jiān shè dǎo dàn shoulder-fired missile
自殺式炸 zì shā shì zhà dàn a suicide bomb
自殺炸殺手 zì shā zhà dàn shā shǒu suicide bomber
自製炸 zì zhì zhà dàn improvised explosive device IED
chòu dàn dead bomb (i.e. not exploding on impact)
舊調重 jiù diào chóng tán replaying the same old tunes (idiom); conservative, unoriginal and discredited; to keep harping on about the same old stuff
荷槍實 hè qiāng shí dàn (idiom) armed; carrying a loaded firearm
葡萄 pú tao dàn grapeshot
裂變炸 liè biàn zhà dàn fission bomb
zhuāng dàn to charge (ammunition into gun); to load
計時炸 jì shí zhà dàn time bomb
豆袋 dòu dài dàn bean bag round
起飛射 qǐ fēi tán shè takeoff catapult (on aircraft carrier)