
stretch, extend, expand; sheet


張 zhāng
  • surname Zhang
  • to open up
  • to spread
  • sheet of paper
  • classifier for flat objects, sheet
  • classifier for votes


七嘴八 qī zuǐ bā zhāng see 七嘴八舌[qi1 zui3 ba1 she2]
不事揚 bù shì zhāng yáng quietly; without ostentation
zhǔ zhāng to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion; CL:個|个[ge4]
guāi zhāng recalcitrant; unreasonable; peevish
shēn zhāng to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue); to promote
做勢 zuò zhāng zuò shì to put on an act (idiom); to pose; to show theatrical affectation; to indulge in histrionics
做智 zuò zhāng zuò zhì to put on an act (idiom); to pose; to show theatrical affectation; to indulge in histrionics
做致 zuò zhāng zuò zhì see 做張做智|做张做智[zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4]
創傷後心理壓力緊綜合症 chuāng shāng hòu xīn lǐ yā lì jǐn zhāng zōng hé zhèng post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
劍拔弩 jiàn bá nǔ zhāng lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility; at daggers drawn
十三 shí sān zhāng Chinese poker
dān zhāng flyer; leaflet; single-sheet (map etc)
匯票 dān zhāng huì piào sola bill of exchange (international trade)
xiāo zhāng rampant; unbridled; arrogant; aggressive
氣焰 xiāo zhāng qì yàn overweening attitude; threatening manner
跋扈 xiāo zhāng bá hù arrogant and despotic
撻伐 dà zhāng tà fá to launch an all-out attack (idiom); to roundly condemn; to castigate
旗鼓 dà zhāng qí gǔ with great fanfare
聲勢 dà zhāng shēng shì to spread one's voice wide (idiom); wide publicity
失智 shī zhāng shī zhì out of one's mind
女修道 nǚ xiū dào zhāng abbess
國 wěi zhāng guó Owari or Owari-no-kuni, Japanese fiefdom during 11th-15th century, current Aichi prefecture around Nagoya
熱 chí zhāng rè remittent fever
三 zhāng sān John Doe; Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a series of three: 張三|张三, 李四[Li3 Si4], 王五[Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry
三李四 zhāng sān lǐ sì Zhang the Third and Li the Fourth (idiom); Tom, Dick and Harry
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