HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 318th character |
RADICAL | ⼸ (57.4) |
INDEX # | 909 |
stretch, extend, expand; sheet
- stretch, extend, expand
- sheet
- surname Zhang
- to open up
- to spread
- sheet of paper
- classifier for flat objects, sheet
- classifier for votes

紧张 jǐn zhāng | nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained; in short supply; scarce; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] |
夸张 kuā zhāng | to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; ridiculous; outrageous |
主张 zhǔ zhāng | to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion; CL:個|个[ge4] |
慌张 huāng zhāng | confused; flustered |
扩张 kuò zhāng | expansion; dilation; to expand (e.g. one's power or influence); to broaden |
东张西望 dōng zhāng xī wàng | to look in all directions (idiom); to glance around |
张开 zhāng kāi | to open up; to spread; to extend |
开张 kāi zhāng | to open a business; first transaction of a business day |
伸张 shēn zhāng | to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue); to promote |
虚张声势 xū zhāng shēng shì | (false) bravado; to bluff |
张扬 zhāng yáng | Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter; to display ostentatiously; to bring out into the open; to make public; to spread around; flamboyant; brash |
纸张 zhǐ zhāng | paper |
自作主张 zì zuò zhǔ zhāng | to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); to act on one's own initiative |
嚣张 xiāo zhāng | rampant; unbridled; arrogant; aggressive |
声张 shēng zhāng | to make public; to disclose |
张力 zhāng lì | tension |
张贴 zhāng tiē | to post (a notice); to advertise |
张嘴 zhāng zuǐ | to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request); to gape |
张望 zhāng wàng | to look around; to peep (through a crack); to peer at; to throw a look at |
张口 zhāng kǒu | to open one's mouth (to eat, speak etc); to gape; to start talking (esp. to make a request) |
明目张胆 míng mù zhāng dǎn | openly and without fear; brazenly |
张伯伦 zhāng bó lún | Chamberlain (name); Wilt Chamberlain (1936-1999), US basketball player |
大张旗鼓 dà zhāng qí gǔ | with great fanfare |
张罗 zhāng luo | to take care of; to raise money; to attend to (guests, customers etc) |
剑拔弩张 jiàn bá nǔ zhāng | lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility; at daggers drawn |