oppose, offend; invade; dried
干 gàn |
干 gān |

干净 gān jìng | clean; neat |
干杯 gān bēi | to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup |
饼干 bǐng gān | biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] |
干脆 gān cuì | straightforward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g. statement); you might as well; simply |
干燥 gān zào | to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc); desiccation; dull; uninteresting; arid |
能干 néng gàn | capable; competent |
干活儿 gàn huó r | erhua variant of 幹活|干活[gan4 huo2] |
干扰 gān rǎo | to disturb; to interfere; perturbation; interference (physics) |
干涉 gān shè | to interfere; to meddle; interference |
干预 gān yù | to meddle; to intervene; intervention |
干劲 gàn jìn | enthusiasm for doing sth |
才干 cái gàn | ability; competence |
若干 ruò gān | a certain number or amount; how many?; how much? |
干旱 gān hàn | drought; arid; dry |
骨干 gǔ gàn | diaphysis (long segment of a bone); fig. backbone |
干吗 gàn má | see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2] |
干什么 gàn shén me | what are you doing?; what's he up to? |
干掉 gàn diào | to get rid of |
干活 gàn huó | to work; to be employed |
干酪 gān lào | cheese |
贵干 guì gàn | (polite) your business; what brings you? |
干洗 gān xǐ | to dry clean; dry cleaning |
单干 dān gàn | to work on one's own; to work single-handed; individual farming |
葡萄干 pú tao gān | raisin; dried grape |
干细胞 gàn xì bāo | stem cell |