
belt, girdle, band, strap, zone


  • belt, girdle, band, strap, zone
  • band
  • belt
  • girdle
  • ribbon
  • tire
  • area
  • zone
  • region
  • CL:條|条[tiao2]
  • to wear
  • to carry
  • to take along
  • to bear (i.e. to have)
  • to lead
  • to bring
  • to look after
  • to raise


chē dài (vehicle) tire
輸送 shū sòng dài conveyor belt
造山 zào shān dài orogenic belt (geology)
連哄騙 lián hǒng dài piàn to cajole; to sweet talk sb into doing sth
連奔跑 lián bēn dài pǎo to run quickly; to rush; to gallop
lián dài to be related; to entail; to involve; joint (liability etc)
責任 lián dài zé rèn to bear joint responsibility for sth; joint liability (law)
連拖拉 lián tuō dài lā pushing and pulling (idiom)
連本利 lián běn dài lì both principal and interest; capital plus profit
連滾爬 lián gǔn dài pá rolling and crawling; trying frantically to escape (idiom)
連踢打 lián tī dài dǎ to kick and beat (idiom)
niǔ dài bond; ties (of friendship etc)
qiān dài weight belt
錄像 lù xiàng dài video cassette; CL:盤|盘[pan2]
錄影 lù yǐng dài videotape (Tw); CL:盤|盘[pan2]
錄音 lù yīn dài audio tape; CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2]
biǎo dài watchband; watch strap
長江經濟 cháng jiāng jīng jì dài Yangtze River Economic Belt
fù dài supplementary; incidentally; in parentheses; by chance; in passing; additionally; secondary; subsidiary; to attach
損害 fù dài sǔn hài collateral damage (both as a legal term, and as a military euphemism)
陷落 xiàn luò dài area of subsidence
suí dài to carry along; portable
非核地 fēi hé dì dài nuclear-free zone
miàn dài to wear (on one's face)
愁容 miàn dài chóu róng with a sad air; looking melancholy; with a worried look